Eligibility and Document requirements

Admissions Criteria & General Requirements: Philadelphia Technician Trade School assists potential learners to be accepted to the school at every step. The eligibility for enrolment in the trade school of Philadelphia Technician Training Institute is basic and hassle-free.

To be accepted as a regular student, an applicant must:

  • Express a desire to pursue higher education and an associated career.
  • Possess a valid high school credential (diploma), or equivalent credential.
  • Participate in a Personal Admission Interview and campus tour (see details below),
  • Achieve appropriate scores on tests of basic reading skills, mathematical skills, and mechanical aptitude.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen, legal resident, or otherwise legally eligible to study in the United States.
  • Be at least eighteen years of age as of the class start date or seventeen years of age as of the starting date of the class or seventeen years of age and have the legal permission of a parent or legal guardian.

Application Procedure & Documents required for trade school in Philadelphia:

Students who decide to enroll in the institute must complete an Enrollment Agreement. The student generally completes the agreement when they visit the campus for the personal interview and tour.

Before commencement of classes at Philadelphia Technician Training Institute, an applicant must provide the following documents (as appropriate to the individual applicant):

  • Copy of Driver’s License or Release Form* (Automotive Tech & Repair Program only).
  • Signed Enrolment Agreement (parent signature also required if under eighteen).
  • Official high school transcript, copy of high school diploma, home-schooling documentation, or copy of GED Certificate (as appropriate).
  • Official college/higher education transcript (for transfer credit only).

If the applicant is unable to provide one or more of the above documents required for admissions by Philadelphia Technician Training Institute, the Admissions Office may allow the applicant additional time (up to thirty days after the start of classes) to obtain the appropriate documentation. If the required documents are not submitted within this timeframe, the school may revoke the student’s acceptance, at the discretion of the Director of Education or the Director of Administration.

Override Authority: The Director of Administration (or the President in the absence thereof) has the authority to override certain requirements (indicated above with an asterisk *) for purposes of allowing the student to start classes.

Students who received their high school education through home-schooling must submit documentation appropriate under the laws of the State in which the home-schooling occurred.